- Incorporation of company.
- Consultancy on Company Law matters.
- Planning for Mergers, Acquisitions, De-mergers, and Corporate re-organizations.
- Filing of annual returns and various forms, documents.
- Clause 49 review for compliance with fiscal, corporate and tax laws.
- Secretarial Matters including share transfers.
- Maintenance of Statutory records
- Consultancy on Public/Rights/Bonus Issue of shares.
- Change of Name, Objects, Registered Office, etc.
CSR & Sustainability For Corporate | For NGO/Trusts | - CSR policy preparation & implementation
- Conduct Need Assessment for CSR projects of companies, which will help the company identify real need on the ground and intervene with impactful Sustainable CSR Projects.
- Legal Compliance
- Advisory on CSR fund management
- Advisor/Member of CSR committee of company
- Due diligence of implementation partner (where project is implemented by NGO/other party and company has only financed the project cost
- Progress monitoring and reporting of project
- Advisory on CSR project selected by the company
| - Keep record of their new projects where fund is required, based on this we can approach corporate to finance such project.
- Guidance in project management
- Legal clearance for various projects
- Indentifying various projects where NGO can work
- Help NGOs in partnering with Companies for effective implementation of CSR programmes.
- Help NGOs / Organizations to develop self-sustainable projects with emphasis on maximum utilization of resources, cost minimization and efficiency of revenue generation activities within the project.
- Provide mentoring/ handholding of NGOs on preparing Sustainable projects, Partnerships, Capacity building of its staff, Reporting and Communications.
- Help NGOs in internal and external reporting and communication to meet the increasing demands of transparency and accountability by funding agencies.
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